Heating, hot water and air conditioning expert!


Why Use Evaporative Cooling Systems?

In our constant effort to beat the heat, most of us have researched the various air conditioners that work well in our homes. And perhaps, you might have come across evaporative cooling systems.

As we require comfortable, regulated, and good indoor air quality, evaporative cooling systems have become a top choice for many homeowners. And thanks to its ability to create an optimal healthy indoor environment for properties while remaining cost-effective, the number of people owning an evaporative cooling system is growing.

Should you also follow the hype?

It’s up to you. Before purchasing and installing, it is critical to understand the advantages that an evaporative cooling system can provide for your home or business. Is the cooling system appropriate for your home? Are its benefits advantageous to your current living situation? Let’s find out.

6 Reasons to Use an Evaporative Cooling System

There are numerous advantages to using an evaporative cooling system. And some of the most important benefits are listed below.

Reason #1: High Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality can impact our health and well-being, especially if we spend at least 8 hours a day in a specific space.

That’s where evaporative coolers help you. Compared to its counterparts, it does not recycle air but utilises fresh air every operation. In other words, it uses 100% filtered outside air to cool down a property, preventing recirculation of warm polluted indoor air.

Reason #2: Energy-Efficient

Most evaporative coolers consume 1.5 kilowatts of electricity to maintain peak efficiency. And this unit of energy is less than half of what a typical air conditioner requires. In other words, the lower the energy bill, the less energy required.

The ventilation system fans and internal water pump of an evaporative cooler unit consume the most energy, and these parts typically consume 10% of the power of conventional refrigerated air conditioning.

Reason #3: Environmentally friendly

Imagine increasing indoor air quality but failing to eliminate toxic chemicals in the environment. You are defeating the purpose of creating quality air. Luckily, evaporative cooling systems only use a natural process of cooling air with water.

A refrigerated air conditioning uses a chemical detrimental to the environment and your loved ones. And in case you don’t know, most of these cooling systems contain the extremely dangerous chemical chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). When a large proportion of humanity allows CFCs to be released into the atmosphere, it can harm the ozone layer.

What happens if there is a case of ozone depletion? Here are some of the possible results:

  • Immune system damage;
  • Destroys terrestrial and aquatic life;
  • High chances of skin cancer and cataracts; and
  • Increase formation of ground-level ozone.

Result #4: Easy Maintenance

When you use evaporative coolers, you are guaranteed an easy-to-maintain unit. Your unit may require maintenance at some point, such as deposit formation. And when a problem arises, you need the assistance of dependable maintenance specialists. Compared to the issues associated with refrigerated cooling systems, specialists can address the issue immediately.

In addition, to maintain peak efficiency, you must service your evaporative coolers once or twice a year, just like any other machine. Ideally, it would be best if you had this checked by professionals before the start of the cooling season and halfway through the summer.

Here are some proper maintenance guidelines you can follow to increase the efficiency of your evaporative cooling system:

  • Change your swamp cooler pads regularly;
  • Clean the water tank to avoid contamination (e.g., mosquitoes, bacteria, harmful microorganisms, and germs);
  • Remove calcium deposit using a mixture of white vinegar and water; and
  • Examine or inspect all wiring and switches connected to the device.

Reason #5: Increase Air Moisture

Do you know that most refrigerated cooling systems can rob your skin of moisture, eventually drying it out? Because it constantly filters bad air quality through chemicals, it also reduces air humidity. And the more this happens, the more likely your skin will become dry.

But if you use evaporated units to cool your system, the relative humidity level will be between 40% and 70%. In other words, this system can aid in preserving the moisture required by your skin.

Reason #6: Minimal Noise

When you’re about to fall asleep, you can hear everything, including the slightest creak of the door. And imagine dozing off with a loud hum of a buzzing air conditioner. Frustrating, isn’t it? Thus, you should install an evaporative cooling system if you don’t want to hear strange noises.

Furthermore, if you let a reputable Gasman team install your evaporative cooling system, you will likely have a tranquil unit.

Living in Victoria? Install an Evaporative Cooling System!

Summers in Victoria state are notoriously hot, so you should let a professional installation team like GASMAN install evaporative coolers to achieve operational efficiency. You can rely on us to improve your indoor air quality and service your system at least every second of the year, ensuring you will be comfortable all summer long.

So, what are you waiting for? Call 1800 GASMAN today!